Asia [1] - "A.L.O." ('Archiva' 1) resurgence 1996 ("Lookin for the key to her heart")
Asia [1] - "Alibis" 5:38 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "An Extraordinary Life" 4:56 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Anytime" 4:50 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("Any moment of fear")
Asia [1] - "Aqua Part 1" 2:40 (Anthology) snapper 1997 instrumental
Asia [1] - "Arena" 5:12 (Arena/Anthology) insideout//snapper 1996 John Payne ("Yes I hear you") w/Geoff Downes
Asia [1] - "Armenia"
Asia [1] - "Bad Asteroid" 2002
Asia [1] - "Boys From Diamond City" ('Archiva' 1) resurgence 96
Asia [1] - "Cutting It Fine" (Asia) 1982 John Wetton & Steve Howe & Geoff Downes p-Yes, UK, ELP
Asia [1] - "Daylight" (Alpha cass only) gef 1983
Asia [1] - "Days Like These" 4:02 (Then & Now) geffen 1990
Asia [1] - "Different Worlds" 5:56 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("And I know"/"Is there time at hand")
Asia [1] - "Don't Come To Me"
Asia [1] - "Don't Cry" 3:41 (Alpha/Anthology) geffen/snapper 1983
Asia [1] - "Feels Like Love" 4:33 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("Tell me does it feel like love")
Asia [1] - "Fight Against The Tide"
Asia [1] - "Ginger" (Best Of Asia: Archives) cass 1997
Asia [1] - "Go" 4:06 (Astra/Aria/Anthology) geffen//snapper 1985 ("Get up and go")
Asia [1] - "Heart Of Gold"
Asia [1] - "Heat Goes On, The" 5:15 (Alpha/Anthology) gef//snapper 1983
Asia [1] - "Heat Of The Moment" 3:50 (40 Year Old Virgin trk) shoutfactory 1982
Asia [1] - "Heat Of The Moment" 3:50 (Asia/Power Chords, Vol. 3 comp/Anthology/Down To You trk) gef/hip-o//snapper//epc/sny 1982 ("Showed in your eyes")
Asia [1] - "Heaven" 5:17 (Arena) insideout 1996 John Payne & Geoff Downes p-Steely Dan, Simply Red
Asia [1] - "Here Comes The Feeling" 5:42 (Asia) geffen 1982
Asia [1] - "Heroine" 4:51 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Higher You Climb, The"
Asia [1] - "Hunter, The" 5:26 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne
Asia [1] - "I Believe" ('Archiva' 1) resurgence 96
Asia [1] - "I Will Remember You" 5:09 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Innocence" 2002
Asia [1] - "Karri-Anne" (Live In Moscow) cromwell/rhn 1991
Asia [1] - "Mariner's Dream, The"
Asia [1] - "Military Man" 4:52 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("So don't come running here to find me")
Asia [1] - "Moon Under The Water"
Asia [1] - "My Own Time" (Alpha) geffen 1983
Asia [1] - "Never Again" 4:53 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Never In A Million Years" (Alpha)
Asia [1] - "Never The Way" 2002
Asia [1] - "Nothing's Forever" 5:44 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Obsession" 4:56 (Archiva 1 & 2) 2010
Asia [1] - "Only Time Will Tell" 4:45 (Asia/Anthology) geffen//snapper 1982 ("One thing is sure")
Asia [1] - "Orchard Of Mines" 5:09 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Over And Over" 3:31 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Parallel Worlds/Vortex/Deya" 8:09 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Prayin' For A Miracle" (Then & Now) geffen 1991
Asia [1] - "Reality" 4:24 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("Just anything you want to see")
Asia [1] - "Rock And Roll Dream" 6:51 (Astra) geffen 1985
Asia [1] - "Shadow Of A Doubt" 4:16 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Sleeping Giant/No Way Back/Reprise" 8:09 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Smile Has Left Your Eyes, The" (Alpha) geffen 1983 John Wetton & Steve Howe & Geoff Downes p-GTR
Asia [1] - "Smoke That Thunders, The"
Asia [1] - "Sole Survivor" (Asia) gef 1982
Asia [1] - "Someday" 5:45 (Aqua/Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("You may find the one")
Asia [1] - "Starless Book Of Saturday"?? (Live In Moscow) cromwell/rhn 1991
Asia [1] - "Tears"
Asia [1] - "Time Again" (self) gef 1982
Asia [1] - "Too Late" (Astra) gef 1985 John Wetton & Geoff Downes p-Krocus
Asia [1] - "True Colors" (Alpha) gef 1983 John Wetton & Steve Howe & Geoff Downes
Asia [1] - "Two Sides Of The Moon" 5:18 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("That's enough")
Asia [1] - "Voice Of America" (Astra) geffen 1985 John Wetton & Geoff Downes
Asia [1] - "Who Will Stop The Rain?" 4:33 (Anthology) snapper 1997 John Payne ("Who tells the wind which way to blow")
Asia [1] - "Wildest Dreams" 5:10 (Asia) geffen 1982 John Wetton & Steve Howe & Geoff Downes
Asia [1] - "Wish I'd Known All Along" 4:05 (Phoenix) frontiers 2008
Asia [1] - "Without You" (Asia) geffen 1982 John Wetton & Steve Howe & Geoff Downes
Asia [1] - (Alive In Hallowed Halls) 2001 live or-1983
Asia [1] - (America: Live In The U.S.) 2003 John Payne
Asia [1] - (Aqua) 1992 John Payne & Geoff Downes p-Alice Cooper, 21 Guns
Asia [1] - (Architect of Time) InsideOutMusic 2006
Asia [1] - (Aria) 1994 John Payne & Geoff Downes
Asia [1] - (Aura) windstorm 2001 Geoff Downes
Asia [1] ---
Asia [1] #1
Asia [1] #2
Asia (album cover artist: Roger Dean) #3
Asia [1] #4
Asia [1]---
Asia #1
Asia [2] - "Love May Be Gone" (Asia) the wild places 1995 Micheal English
Asia [2] - "Thunder Rider" (Armed To The Teeth) the wild places 1995 Micheal English
Asia [2]---
ASIA (U.S.A.) [2] #1
Asian Dub Foundation - "Buzzin'" (Rafi's Revenge/CMJ: New Music Monthly - December 1998 comp) slash/lnd//cmj 1998
Asian Dub Foundation - "Charge" 98
Asian Dub Foundation - "Free Satpal Ram" (Rafi's Revenge) London
Asian Dub Foundation - "Naxalite" (ADF's 1997 release + BDP trk-isl 99/Rafi's Revenge) ffrr/lnd 1997
Asian Dub Foundation - "Rebel Warrior" (Facts And Fictions) nation records 1995 Master D (Deedar Zaman)
Asian Dub Foundation - (Conscious ep) nation records 1994 p-Headspace, The Higher Intelligence Agency
Asian Dub Foundation - (Rafi's Revenge) slash/lnd 1998
Asian Prince, The - a-Wo-Hen Nankan
Asian Prince, The---
The Asian Prince #1
Asiel Dama---
Asiel Dama #1
Asinine Solution---
Asinine Solution #1
Aska #1
Askance #1
Askari #1
Askeleton - ([Happy] Album) Goodnight 2005
Askew, Joy - "Cool Water" (Tender City) private music w/Peter Gabriel
Askew, Joy - "I'm Still Looking For A Home" 5:03 (Women For Women 2 comp) mrc 1996
Asking For The World - "Cupeniale" 2002
Asking For The World - "Doorstop Paradox" 4:40 (The Fine Line Between Dancing And Dying) 2001
Asking For The World---
Asking For The World #1
Aslan, Pablo - (Avantango) Zoho 2004
Asleep At The Wheel - "Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless Ray Benson
Asleep At The Wheel - "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless
Asleep At The Wheel - "Christmas In Jail" bmg
Asleep At The Wheel - "Going Away Party" (Riding with Bob) w/Willie Nelson
Asleep At The Wheel - "I Wonder If You Feel The Way I Do" o-Bob Wills
Asleep At The Wheel - "Jimbalaya"
Asleep At The Wheel - "Let Me Go Home Whiskey" o-Shifty Henry r-Amos Milburn, Kenny 'Blues Boss' Wayne
Asleep At The Wheel - "Letter That Johnny Walker Read, The" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless 1975 rrw-Mandy Barnett
Asleep At The Wheel - "My Baby Thinks She's A Train" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless
Asleep At The Wheel - "Route 66" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless
Asleep At The Wheel - "Sugar Foot Rag, The" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless instrumental rrw-Brad Paisley o-Hank Garland
Asleep At The Wheel - "Take Me Back To Tulsa" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless
Asleep At The Wheel - "Texas, Me And You" (The Very Best Of Asleep At The Wheel) relentless
Asleep At The Wheel - "Write Your Own Song" (Stony Plain: 25 Years comp) stony plain 2001 w/Willie Nelson or-
Asleep At The Wheel - (Asleep At The Wheel Remembers The Alamo) shoutfactory 2003 note-chronicles Alamo battle of March 6, 1836
Asleep At The Wheel - (Remembers the Alamo) Shout! Factory 2003
Aslyn - "Be The Girl" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Aslyn - "Four-Nine-Three-One-Oh-Two-Three (493-1023)" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Aslyn - "Gotta Get Over You" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Aslyn - "Just Enough" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Aslyn - "Lemon Love" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Aslyn - "Rainbow" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Aslyn - "Wally" (Lemon Love) cap 2005 Aslyn
Asmodeus - (Diggin' Up The King) countorlok 2004
ASO #1
ASOB - (All The Little Ones Are Rotting) Kill Normal 2003 SEE A.S.O.B.
Asobi Seksu - "I'm Happy But You Don't Like Me" (Asobi Seksu) friendlyfire 2005 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu - "Let Them Wait" (Asobi Seksu) friendlyfire 2005 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu - "New Years" (Citrus) friendlyfire 2006 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu - "Sooner" (Asobi Seksu) friendlyfire 2005 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu - "Strawberries" (Citrus) friendlyfire 2006 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu - "Thursday" (Citrus) friendlyfire 2006 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu - "Walk On The Moon" (Asobi Seksu) friendlyfire 2005 Yuki Chikudate
Asobi Seksu---
Asobi Seksu #1
Aspects Of Physics - (Systems Of Social Recalibration) imputor? 2002 p-Physics
Aspects Of Physics---
Aspects Of Physics #1
Aspen It Is - (Release Me! From The Weights Of Gravity) piermont 2006
Aspera - "Twenty Minutes Of The Day" (Sugar & Feathered) jagjaguwar-big wheel 2001 p-Aspera Ad Astra
Aspera - (Birds Fly) Suicide Squeeze 2002
Aspera - (Oh, Fantastica) Jagjaguwar 2003
Aspera ---
Aspera #1
Aspera Ad Astra - uns 1999
Asphalt Jungle - "Witchcraft" (Electro Ave.) roir 2001 note-Road Rules theme
Asphalt Jungle---
Asphalt Jungle #1
Asphyx - "Evocation" (The Rack) Century Media 91
Asphyx - "Ode to a Nameless Grave" (The Rack) Century Media 91
Asphyx - "Sickening Dwell, The" (The Rack) Century Media 91
Asphyx - "Vermin" (The Rack) Century Media 91
Asphyx - (Asphyx) Century Media 94 another singer
Asphyx - (Last One on Earth) Century Media 92
Asphyx - Martin Van Drunen p-Comecon
Asphyx #1
Asrai - (Touch In The Dark) transmission/theend 2005
Ass Backwards---
Ass Backwards #1
Ass Control---
Ass Control #1
Ass Ponys - "Earth To Grandma" ([Out Of] Cowtown Vol. 3 comp) anyway 1993
Ass Ponys - "God Tells Me To" (The Known Universe) a&m
Ass Ponys - "Little Bastard" (Electric Rock Music/Empire Records trk) a&m 1994
Ass Ponys - "Pretty As You Please" (Some Stupid With A Flare Gun) checkered past 2000
Ass Ponys - "Shoe Money" (The Known Universe) a&m
Ass Ponys - "Your Amazing Life" (Some Stupid With A Flare Gun) checkered past 2000
Ass Ponys - (Grim) Safe House 93
Ass Ponys - (Lohio) checkeredpast 2001
Ass Ponys---
Ass Ponys #1
Ass Ponys #2
Ass Ponys #3
ASS-ASSin - "Abstract War" (Interstellar Experience) steamhammer 1988 Robert Gonella
ASS-ASSin - "Forbidden Reality" (The Upcoming Terror) steamhammer 1986 Robert Gonella
ASS-ASSin #1
ASS-ASSin #2
Assad, Badi - (La Guitara comp) vanguard 2005
Assailant #1
Assailants, The---
The Assailants #1
Assassin - "Girls Gone Wild" 2:39 (Biggest Ragga Dancehall Anthems 2004 comp) greensleev 2004
Assault King---
Assault King #1
assbeaters #1
Asscancer #1
Assel #1
Assemblage 23 - "I Ran" o-A Flock of Seagulls
Assemblage 23 - "Love My Way" o-The Psychedelic Furs
Assemblage 23 - (Contempt) metro 2001
Assemblage 23 - (Defiance) metropolis 2002
Assemblage 23 - (Failure) metro 2001
Assemblage 23---
Assemblage 23 #1
Assemblage, The---
The Assemblage #1
Assembled Multitude, The - "Medley From 'Superstar'(A Rock Opera)" (A Rock Opera)" atl 1970
Assembled Multitude, The - "Overture From Tommy (A Rock Opera)" atl 1970 instrumental o-Who
Assembled Multitude, The - "Woodstock" atl 1970
Assembly Of Dust, The - "Man With A Plan" 2005 ("Like a breath before the dawn"/"In a way I now thought I could"/"To my own surprise")
Assembly Of Dust, The---
The Assembly Of Dust #1
Assembly, The - "Never Never" 3:47 (single) mut-wb 84
Assert - (Insurrection Rocks) threedaysdead 2003
Assess The Validity - SEE A.T.V.
Assfactor #1
Assfagut #1
Assholeparade - "As Nails Rust" Travis Ginn
Assholeparade - "Red Tape" (Say Goodbye ep) noidea 2005 Travis Ginn or-1997-1998 o-Circle Jerks
Assholeparade - "Say Hello" Travis Ginn
Assholeparade - (Assholeparade) noidea 2006
Assholeparade - (Discography) no idea 1999
Assholeparade - (Student Ghetto Violence) no idea 2000
Assholeparade #1
Assholeparade #2
Assistant, The - (The Assistant) milligram 2002
Assistant, The---
The Assistant #1
The Assistant #2
Assistants, The---
The Assistants #1
Assisting Sorrow - "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" (For Those About To Rot - A Tribute To AC/DC comp) dwell 2000 o-AC/DC
assless #1
AssMaster 2000---
AssMaster 2000 #1
AssMaster 2000 #2
Assmen, The - "Happy Together" (Punked Up Love comp) vms 2001
Assmen, The - (Enema Nation) uns 1999
Assmen, The---
The Assmen #1
The Assmen #2
Associated Soul Group - "Are You Experienced" (Projection Company) o-Jimi Hendrix r-T.Swift & The Electric Bag
Associated Soul Group - "Don't Think Twice" (Top Hits Of Today) contessa 1968 o-Id Inner Sounds LP
Associated Soul Group - "Macarthur Park" (Projection Company) o-Jim Webb/Richard Harris
Associated Soul Group - "Pandora's Golden Heebie Geebies" (Nuggets, Vol 5 comp)
Associated Soul Group - "Scarborough Fair" (Projection Company) o-Simon & Garfunkel
Associated Soul Group - "Sound Of Silence" (Projection Company) o-Simon & Garfunkel
Associated Soul Group - "Up Up And Away" (Projection Company) o-5th Dimension
Associated Soul Group - "Wild Times" (Top Hits Of Today) contessa 1968 o-Id Inner Sounds LP
Associated Soul Group---
Associated Soul Group #1
Associates, The - "Boys Keep Swinging" 1979 Billy Mackenzie o-Bowie
Associates, The - "Breakfast" (Perhaps/Popera: The Singles Collection) 1985
Associates, The - "Club Country" (Sulk/Popera: The Singles Collection) wbr 1982 p-Alan Rankine
Associates, The - "Eighteen (18) Carat Love Affair" (Sulk/Popera: The Singles Collection) v2//wbr 1982 Billy MacKenzie p-Cure
Associates, The - "Heart Of Glass" 1985?? o-Blondie
Associates, The - "Party Fears Two" (Sulk/Popera: The Singles Collection) wbr 1982
Associates, The - "Those First Impressions" (Perhaps/Popera: The Singles Collection) 1985
Associates, The - (Double Hipness) v2 Billy MacKenzie
Associates, The - (Fourth Drawer Down) v2 Billy MacKenzie
Associates, The - (Singles import) wbr 2004
Associates, The - (The Affectionate Punch) fiction 1980
Associates, The - (Wild And Lonely) circa/vrg 1990
Association Area - "One Of Six Uncles"
Association, The - "Along Comes Mary" valiant 1966 r-Bloodhound Gang, Guess Who
Association, The - "Better Times" (Just The Right Sound: The Association Anthology) rhn 2002 or-1966
Association, The - "Cherish" (And Then...Along Came The Association) valiant/wb 1966
Association, The - "Darling Be Home Soon" col 1972
Association, The - "Dreamer" elektra 1973/81
Association, The - "Dubuque Blues" (Schlagers! comp) wbr/rep 1969
Association, The - "Everything That Touches You" wb 1968
Association, The - "Forty Times"
Association, The - "Goodbye Columbus, (Theme From)" wb 1969
Association, The - "Hear In Here"
Association, The - "Just About The Same" wb 1970
Association, The - "Machine, The" (Just The Right Sound: The Association Anthology) rhn 2002 or-1966
Association, The - "Names, Tags, Numbers & Labels" mums 1973
Association, The - "Never My Love" wb 1967 r-Kurt Elling
Association, The - "No Fair At All" valiant 66
Association, The - "One Too Many Mornings" valiant 1965
Association, The - "Pandora's Golden Heebie Jeebies" valiant 1966
Association, The - "Requiem For The Masses" wb 1967
Association, The - "Six Man Band" wb 1968 ("One day at a time")
Association, The - "Time For Livin'" wb 1968
Association, The - "Under Branches"
Association, The - "Windy" (And Then...Along Comes The Association) wbr 1967
Association, The - (And Then... Along Comes The Association) 1966
Association, The - (Birthday) collector's choice
Association, The - (Insight Out) collector's choice
Association, The - (Live) collector's choice
Association, The - (Renaissance) collector's choice
Association, The - (Stop Your Motor) collector's choice
Association, The - (The Association) collector's choice
Association, The---
Association #1
Association #2
Association #3
The Association #4
Association, The #5
Assorted Jelly Beans - "Braindead" (Assorted Jelly Beans/Punk Uprisings comp/Glory Daze trk) kungfu//lookout 1996 a-Assorted Jellybeans
Assorted Jelly Beans - "Contordations" 1:35 (What's Really Going On?/No Stars Just Talent comp) kung fu 1998
Assorted Jelly Beans - "Gin and Juice" o-Snoop Doggy Dogg
Assorted Jelly Beans - "" 3:31 (No Stars Just Talent comp) kung fu 1999 ("Another one's down in the neighborhood")
Assorted Jelly Beans - "www.II.Booshduck;do;" 3:31 (www.Y2K ep/A Compilation Of Warped Music II comp) kung fu//s1d 1999
Assorted Jelly Beans - "You'll Never Know" 2:18 (Assorted Jelly Beans/No Stars Just Talent comp/Punk Bites comp/Punk Bites comp) kung fu//fearless 1996
Assorted Jelly Beans - (Gone With The Wind Of Punk Rock Samplers comp) kung fu 2000
Assorted Jelly Beans - (The Album)
Assorted Jelly Beans - (What's Really Going On!?!) vandals a-Assorted Jellybeans???
Assorted Jelly Beans---
Assorted Jelly Beans #1
Assortment, The - "Bless Our Hippy Home" (single/Highs In The Mid-Sixties, Vol 19: Michigan, Part 3 comp) sound spot 1967
Assortment, The - "First I Look At The Purse" (single) o-Contours
Assortment, The---
The Assortment #1
Asstroland #1
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