"Let The Music Do The Talking!"
Waters, Muddy - "After Hours" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003 Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "All Aboard" chess 1953
Waters, Muddy - "All Night Long" (single) chess
Waters, Muddy - "And The Blues Had A Baby And They Called It Rock N Roll"
Waters, Muddy - "Baby Please Don't Go" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
varsesesarabande 2005 Muddy Waters live or-1964-1970's
Waters, Muddy - "Bee" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes) 1999 Muddy Waters or-1971
p-Headhunters a-Muddy Waters Muddy
Waters, Muddy - "Blow Wind Blow" r-Sam Lay p-Little Walter a-McKinley Morganfield
Waters, Muddy - "Blues Had A Baby And They Named It Rock 'N' Roll" (Muddy Waters Live:
All Night Long) varsesesarabande 2005 Muddy Waters live or-1964-1970's
Waters, Muddy - "Can't Get No Grindin'" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
varsesesarabande 2005 Muddy Waters live or-1964-1970's
Waters, Muddy - "Canary Bird"
Waters, Muddy - "Catfish Blues" r-Ronnie Earl
Waters, Muddy - "Champagne And Reefer" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003
Muddy Waters r-Big Bill Morganfield, Ian Moore or-
Waters, Muddy - "Clouds In My Heart" (King Bee cd bonus) sny leg 2004 or-
Waters, Muddy - "Cold Up North"
Waters, Muddy - "Corrina Corrina" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003 Muddy
Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "Country Boy" : (Folk Singer/Fathers And Sons cd bonus) univ Muddy Waters
("Don't say I don't love you") r-Michael Powers
Waters, Muddy - "Crawlin' Kingsnake" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes) 1999 Muddy Waters
o-John Lee Hooker or-1971 a-Muddy Waters Muddy
Waters, Muddy - "Dissatisfied"
Waters, Muddy - "Double Trouble" (single) chess 1956
Waters, Muddy - "Driftin' Blues" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long) varsesesarabande 2005
Muddy Waters live or-1964-1970's o-Charles Brown
Waters, Muddy - "Elevate Me Mama"
Waters, Muddy - "Feel Like Going Home" 1948 r-James Cotton
Waters, Muddy - "Five Long Years" 1963 r-Eddie Boyd
Waters, Muddy - "Funky Butt" (Greatest Blues Legends comp)msp
Waters, Muddy - "Good Morning Little School Girl" 56-64 r-Paul Rodgers 1993?
Waters, Muddy - "Got My Mojo Working" (single/Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
chess//varsesesarabande 1963 Muddy Waters r-Etta James, Mann
Waters, Muddy - "Got My Mojo Working" 2:50 (/Living The Blues: Blues Legends
Waters The Lost Tapes) chess//mca 1954 Muddy Waters a-Muddy Waters Muddy
Waters, Muddy - "Hard Day Blues" 2:44
Waters, Muddy - "Hard Loser"
Waters, Muddy - "Herbert Harper's Free Press News" (Electric Mud) r-Lucky Peterson
Waters, Muddy - "Hey, Baby" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003 Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "Honey Bee" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes/Muddy Waters Live: All Night
Long) chess//varsesesarabande 1951 Muddy Waters a-Muddy Waters Muddy r-Cassandra
Waters, Muddy - "Hoochie Coochie Gal" o-Eddie Cusic
Waters, Muddy - "Hoochie Coochie Man, (I'm Your)" (single/Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live)
chess//epc/leg 1954 Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "Hoochie Coochie Man" 2:49 (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes/Casino trk)
chss/mca 1954 Muddy Waters o-Willie Dixon a-Muddy Waters Muddy
Waters, Muddy - "I Be Bound" r-Rory Block
Waters, Muddy - "I Be's Troubled"
Waters, Muddy - "I Can't Be Satisfied" r-Gregg Allman (Low Country Blues)
Waters, Muddy - "I Can't Be Satisfied" (single/There Is No Eye: Music For Photographs comp)
chess//chess//smithsonianfolkways 1944 Muddy Waters r-Keb' Mo', David Johansen
Waters, Muddy - "I Don't Know Why" 1954 Muddy Waters w/Little Walter w/Jimmy
Waters, Muddy - "I Feel Good" (Fathers And Sons cd bonus) univ 2001 Muddy Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "I Feel Like Going Home" (single) chess 1944
Waters, Muddy - "I Got My Brand On You"
Waters, Muddy - "I Got My Mojo Working" (American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 Vol.
Three cd bonus comp) rity/exphndrix-hipo 2004 Muddy Waters r-The Kingsnakes
Waters, Muddy - "I Got My Mojo Workin'" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003
Muddy Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "I Just Wanna Make Love To You" 1954 Muddy Waters wr-Willie Dixon
bjb-Violent Femmes
Waters, Muddy - "I Just Want To Make Love To You" 2:49 (/Living The Blues: Blues Greats
comp) chs//mca 1954 Muddy Waters wr-Willie Dixon r-Rolling Stones, Foghat
Waters, Muddy - "I Love The Life I Live (I Live The Life I Love)" (Fathers And Sons cd bonus)
univ 2001 Muddy Waters r-Buddy Guy or-
Waters, Muddy - "I Wanna Be Loved" r-Rolling Stones
Waters, Muddy - "I Want You To Love Me" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003
Muddy Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "I Won't Go On" (King Bee cd bonus) sny leg 2004 or-
Waters, Muddy - "I'll Be Back Someday" (The American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 comp)
reelinintheyears-hipo/exphendrix 2003 or-
Waters, Muddy - "I'm A Man" chess ("I spell M-A-N") r-MC5
Waters, Muddy - "I'm Ready" chess 1954 r-Hubert Sumlin
Waters, Muddy - "I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man" 2:50 (/Living The Blues: Blues Masters
comp) chess//mca 1954 o-Willie Dixon
Waters, Muddy - "I'm Your Hootchie Kootchie Man" 1954
Waters, Muddy - "I've Got My Mojo Working" ans by Ann Cole - 'I've Got Nothing
Waters, Muddy - "Just To Be With You" r-The Blasters
Waters, Muddy - "Just Want To Make Love To You" chess 1954
Waters, Muddy - "Kansas City" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003 Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "Key To The Highway"
Waters, Muddy - "Key To Your Door" r-Magic Slim & The Teardrops
Waters, Muddy - "Little Anna Mae" (single) chess
Waters, Muddy - "Little Geneva" r-David Johansen
Waters, Muddy - "Lonely Man Blues" (I'm Ready cd bonus) sny leg 2004 or-
Waters, Muddy - "Lonesome Road Blues"
Waters, Muddy - "Long Distance Call" (American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 Vol. Three
cd bonus comp) rity/exphndrix-hipo 2004 r-Hubert Sumlin or-
Waters, Muddy - "Long Distance Call" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes/Muddy Waters Live: All
Night Long) chess//vsb 1999 Muddy Waters or-1971 r-Hubert Sumlin a-Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "Look What You've Done" r-Rolling Stones
Waters, Muddy - "Louisiana Blues" chess 1951
Waters, Muddy - "Love Me Darlin'" (The American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 comp)
reelinintheyears-hipo/exphendrix 2003 or-
Waters, Muddy - "Mad Love" chess
Waters, Muddy - "Mamie"
Waters, Muddy - "Manish Boy" 2:54 (Living The Blues: 1955-1956 Blues Classics comp/Shakes
The Clown trk) chss//mca//abc 1955 Muddy Waters ("I'm a man") w/Little Walter
Waters, Muddy - "Mannish Boy" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003 Muddy Waters
o-Bo Diddley-'I'm A Man' r-Sleepy LaBeef or-
Waters, Muddy - "Mannish Boy" 6:40 (Better Off Dead film trk) a&m 1955 Muddy Waters ("I'm
a man"/"I'm a hoochie coochie man") r-Zac Harmon
Waters, Muddy - "Mean Mistreater" r-Robert Lockwood Jr.
Waters, Muddy - "Mean Red Spider"
Waters, Muddy - "Meanest Woman"
Waters, Muddy - "Messin' With The Man"
Waters, Muddy - "Muddy Waters Blues" r-Paul Rodgers 1993?
Waters, Muddy - "My Dog Can't Bark"
Waters, Muddy - "My Eyes (Keep Me In Trouble)" (single) chess
Waters, Muddy - "My John The Conqueror Root" (Folk Singer cd bonus) mca 1999 Muddy
Waters or-1964
Waters, Muddy - "My Pencil Won't Write No More"
Waters, Muddy - "Nineteen Years Old" (The Great Blues Men comp) van
Waters, Muddy - "No Escape From The Blues" (I'm Ready cd bonus) sny leg 2004 or-
Waters, Muddy - "Oh Yeah" (Fathers And Sons cd bonus) univ 2001 Muddy Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "One More Mile" 3:17 (The Good Life Collection: Road Trippin' Blues comp)
directsource Muddy Waters ("I ain't gonna be treated this way")
Waters, Muddy - "Pinetop's Boogie Woogie" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 2003
Muddy Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "Put Me In Your Lay Away" (Folk Singer cd bonus) mca 1999 Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "Remember Me" r-Son Lewis
Waters, Muddy - "Rock Me" 3:09 (I'm Ready/Living The Blues: 1957-1959 Blues Classics
chess//mca 1957
Waters, Muddy - "Rollin' And Tumblin'" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
chess//varsesesarabande 1950 Muddy Waters trad. r-Cream, Peter Wolf, Jeff Beck
Waters, Muddy - "Rollin' Stone" (single) chess 1947-55 r-The Immortal Lee County Killers
o-Robert Petway-'Catfish Blues'
Waters, Muddy - "Rollin' Stone" 3:07 (The Good Life Collection: Road Trippin' Blues comp)
Waters, Muddy - "Sail On" r-T-Model Ford
Waters, Muddy - "Same Thing, The" (Folk Singer cd bonus) mca 1999 Muddy Waters or-1964
r-Hubert Sumlin
Waters, Muddy - "Shake For Me" (The American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 comp)
reelinintheyears-hipo/exphendrix 2003 or-
Waters, Muddy - "She Moves Me" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) chess//epc/leg 1952
Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - "She's Alright" r-Chris Whitley, Double Trouble
Waters, Muddy - "She's Got It" (Hoochie Coochie Man/The Complete Chess Masters, Vol. 2)
hiposelect 2004 Muddy Waters or-1952-1958
Waters, Muddy - "She's Nineteen (19) Years Old" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes/Muddy
Live: All Night Long) vsb 1954 Muddy Waters r-Buddy Guy, Carey Bell
Waters, Muddy - "Short Dress" (Folk Singer cd bonus) mca 1999 Muddy Waters or-1964
Waters, Muddy - "Smokestack Lightning" r-Big Jack Johnson
Waters, Muddy - "Soon Forgotten" (Blues Classics: Remastered & Revisited: At Newport cd
bonus) univ 2001 or-
Waters, Muddy - "Spoonful" 1968 Muddy Waters w/Howlin' Wolf and Bo Diddley
Waters, Muddy - "Standing Around Crying"
Waters, Muddy - "Still A Fool" r-Hubert Sumlin
Waters, Muddy - "Stormy Monday Blues (Medley)" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg
2003 Muddy Waters or-
Waters, Muddy - "Sure Thing, The" r-John Hiatt
Waters, Muddy - "That's Alright" (I'm Ready cd bonus) sny leg 2004 or-
Waters, Muddy - "That's Why I Don't Mind" (single) chess 1962
Waters, Muddy - "They Call Me Muddy Waters"
Waters, Muddy - "Things Ain't What They Used To Be" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
varsesesarabande 2005 Paul Oscher live or-1964-1970's o-Duke Ellington
Waters, Muddy - "Thirteen Highway"
Waters, Muddy - "Thirty-Two-Twenty (32-20) Blues" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
varsesesarabande 2005 Muddy Waters live or-1964-1970's o-Robert Johnson
Waters, Muddy - "Trouble In Mind"
Waters, Muddy - "Trouble No More" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes) 1955 Muddy Waters
r-Jimmy Rogers, The Allman Brothers or-1971 a-Muddy Waters Muddy
Waters, Muddy - "Trouble No More" (Muddy 'Mississippi' Waters Live) epc/leg 1955 Muddy
Waters bj-Sleepy John Estes-'Someday Baby Blues'
Waters, Muddy - "Walkin' Blues"
Waters, Muddy - "Walkin' Thru The Park" 1956-1964 r-Hubert Sumlin
Waters, Muddy - "Walking Through The Park" (Muddy Waters The Lost Tapes/Hard Again cd
bonus) snyleg 1999 Muddy Waters r-Carey Bell or-1971
Waters, Muddy - "What A Friend We Have" (Muddy Waters Live: All Night Long)
varsesesarabande 2005 Muddy Waters live or-1964-1970's traditional
Waters, Muddy - "Who's Gonna Be Your Sweet Man When I'm Gone" (single) chess
Waters, Muddy - "Why Don't You Live So God Can Use You" r-Big Bill Morganfield not-Big
Bill's dad
Waters, Muddy - "Willie's Country Boy" r-Bob Margolin
Waters, Muddy - "You Can't Lose What You Ain't Never Had"
Waters, Muddy - "You Can't Lose What You Never Had" (Folk Singer cd bonus) mca 1999
Muddy Waters or-1964
Waters, Muddy - "You Don't Have To Go"
Waters, Muddy - "You Need Love" (Blues Masters Vol.6 comp) 1962 o-Willie Dixon p-Little
Waters, Muddy - "You Shook Me" 2:43 (/Living The Blues: 1960-1964 Blues Classics comp)
chess//mca 1962 Muddy Waters ("All night long") o-Willie Dixon r-Led Zeppelin
Waters, Muddy - "You're Gonna Miss Me" r-Big Bill Morganfield
Waters, Muddy - "Young Fashioned Ways" 1955
Waters, Muddy - (Fathers And Sons) univ 1969 Muddy Waters
Waters, Muddy - (Folk Singer) chess//classic-musicdirect 2003 or-1964
Waters, Muddy---
Muddy Waters
Muddy Waters
Muddy Waters
Muddy Waters
Muddy Waters
Waters, Patty - "Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Heart" (The Complete ESP-Disk'
Recordings) esp-disk 2006 Patty Waters o-
Waters, Patty---
Patty Waters
Waters, Roger - "5:01 AM. (The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking)" (The Pros And Cons Of
Hitchhiking) 1984 Roger Waters ("These are the pros and cons of hitchhiking")
Waters, Roger - "Amused To Death" 9:03 (same) co 91
Waters, Roger - "Bravery Of Being Out Of Range, The" 4:01 (Amused To Death/In The Flesh)
col 1991 Roger Waters
Waters, Roger - "Comfortably Numb" : (In The Flesh/The Departed trk) col//wbr 2001 Roger
Waters orw-Pink Floyd w/Van Morrison w/The Band
Waters, Roger - "Dogs" : (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters orw-Pink Floyd
Waters, Roger - "Each Small Candle" 8:?? (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters
Waters, Roger - "Hello (I Love You)" (The Last Mimzy film trk) 2007
Waters, Roger - "It's A Miracle" (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters
Waters, Roger - "Lost Boys Calling" 1999 w/Eddie Van Halen
Waters, Roger - "Money" : (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters orw-Pink Floyd
Waters, Roger - "Powers That Be, The" (Radio KAOS)
Waters, Roger - "Pros And Cons Of Hitchiking" (same)
Waters, Roger - "Radio Waves" (Radio K.A.O.S.) 1987
Waters, Roger - "Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun"
Waters, Roger - "Southampton Dock" : (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters orw-Pink
Waters, Roger - "Sunset Strip" 87
Waters, Roger - "Time" : (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters orw-Pink Floyd
Waters, Roger - "What God Wants, Part II" 3:41 (Amused To Death) col 1991
Waters, Roger - "Wish You Were Here" : (In The Flesh) col 2001 Roger Waters w/Jeff Beck??
orw-Pink Floyd
Waters, Roger - (Ca Ira) snybmg/col 2005
Waters, Roger - (In The Flesh) col 2000
Waters, Roger - (The Legend Of 1900 trk) sny 1999
Waters, Roger---
Roger Waters
Roger Waters
Watershed - "Indigo Girl" (PART 3 AMANDLA comp) 2004
Watershed - (The Fifth Of July) idol 2005
Watershed ---
Watershed 400 - "Little Train that Could, The" 1994 IUMA
Watership Down - (Watership Down 7") immigrant sun 2001
Watership Down---
Watership Down
Waterson, Norma - "Black Muddy Water" o-Grateful Dead
Waterstreet - "Bittersweet" (Rebirth) waterstreet 2000 p-Waterstreet Blues Band
Waterstreet - "Curb" (Rebirth) waterstreet 2000 p-Waterstreet Blues Band
Waterstreet - "Home Is Where The Heart Is" (Rebirth) uns 1998 Andy, Tom, Patrick, Mike,
Kevin a-The Waterstreet Blues Band
Waterstreet - "I.C. Blues" (Rebirth) waterstreet 2000 p-Waterstreet Blues Band
Waterstreet - "Nothin' More I Can Do" (Rebirth) waterstreet 2000 Andy Falco p-Waterstreet
Blues Band
Waterstreet - "Show Me How You're Feeling" (Rebirth) uns 2000 Andy Falco, Tom, Patrick,
Mike, Kevin
Waterstreet - "Thursday's Can Be So Bad" (The Waterstreet Blues Band) j-b 97 a-The
Blues Band
Waterstreet - "Today The Earth Spoke" (Rebirth) 2000 Andy Falco
Waterstreet - "Wiggle (b.d.c.)" (Rebirth) waterstreet 2000 instrumental p-Waterstreet Blues
Waterstreet ---EMAIL
Waterstreet ---
Watertown - "Things We Don't, The" (Flicka trk) curb-walmart 2006
Waterwalk, The - "Colours" ()
WaterWorks - Kristeen Young
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