"Let The Music Do The Talking!"

Williamson, Cris/Teresa Trull - "Keep On" 3:34 (/CMJ: Certain Damage Volume 22 comp) //cmj 1989
Williamson, Dave - "Jingle Bells" w/Gail Farrell
Williamson, Dave - "Let It Snow"
Williamson, Harry---
Harry Williamson #1
Williamson, James, 'Homesick' - (Got To Move) 23blues 2000 'Homesick' James or-1994
Williamson, Robin - (The Seed-At-Zero) ecm 2001
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Alcohol Blues" 2:48 1947 Sonny Boy Williamson I a-John Lee Curtis Williamson
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Apple Tree Swing" 2:23 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Bad Luck Blues" 2:40 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Beauty Parlor" 3:25 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Better Cut That Out" 2:59 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Big Apple Blues" 3:06 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Big Boat, The" 2:56 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Black Gal Blues" 2:47 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Black Panter Blues" 2:31 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Blue Bird Blues" 3:05 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Blue Bird Blues - Part 2" 3:23 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Blues About My Baby" 2:57 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Blues That Made Me Drunk" 2:58 1942
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Bring Another Half A Pint" 3:02 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Broken Heart Blues" 2:49 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Bye Bye Blues" 2:41 (The American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 comp) reelinintheyears-hipo/exphendrix 2003 w/Muddy Waters & Willie Dixon or-
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Check Up On My Baby Blues" 2:43 1944
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Christmas Morning Blues" 3:23 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Coal And Iceman Blues" 3:03 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Collector Man Blues" 3:17 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Come On Baby And Take A Walk" 2:47 1942
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Decoration Blues" 3:28 (Bluebird Blues) bmg 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Decoration Day Blues No.2" 2:51 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Deep Down In The Ground" 3:15 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Desperado Woman Blues" 2:37 1944
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Doggin' My Love Around" 3:14 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Down South" 3:04 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Drink On, Little Girl" 3:05 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Early In The Morning" 2:46 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Elevator Woman" 2:41 (Sonny Boy's Jump single 78) bluebird 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Frigidaire Blues" 2:59 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "G. M. & O. Blues" 2:42 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Good For Nothing Blues" 3:02 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Good Gal Blues" 2:45 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Good Gravy" 2:48 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Good Morning, School Girl" 2:58 (Bluebird Blues) bmg 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Goodbye Red" 3:19 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Got The Bottle Up And Gone" 2:31 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Ground Hog Blues" 2:42 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Honey Bee Blues" 3:07 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Hoodoo Hoodoo" 2:53 1946
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "I Been Dealing With The Devil" 2:48 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "I Have Got To Go" 2:46 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "I Love You For Myself" 2:59 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "I'm Gonna Catch You Soon" 2:46 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "I'm Not Pleasing You" 2:45 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "I'm Tired Trucking My Blues Away" 2:55 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Insurance Man Blues" 3:18 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Jackson Blues" 2:55 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Jivin' The Blues" 2:52 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Joe Louis And John Henry Blues" 2:55 (Joe Louis: An American Hero comp) rndr 1939 Sonny Boy Williamson
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Lacey Belle" 2:50 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Life Time Blues" 2:43 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Little Girl Blues" 3:19 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Little Girl" 2:51 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Little Low Woman Blues" 2:46 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Lord, Oh Lord Blues" 3:01 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Love Me, Baby" 3:21 1942
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Low Down Ways" 3:11 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Mattie Mae Blues" 3:05 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Mean Old Highway" 3:22 1946
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Mellow Chick Swing" 2:33 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Million Years Blues" 3:03 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Miss Ida Lee" 2:56 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Miss Louisa Blues" 2:53 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Miss Stella Brown Blues" 2:49 1944
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Moonshine" 2:59 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Baby Made A Change" 3:10 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Baby I've Been Your Slave" 3:03 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Black Name Blues" 2:44 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Little Machine"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Little Machine" 2:59 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Little Baby" 2:57 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "My Little Cornelius" 3:08 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "New Early In The Morning" 2:41 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "New Jail House Blues" 2:49 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "No Friend Blues" 2:50 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Number Five Blues" 3:28 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Polly Put Your Kettle On" 2:28 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Project Highway" 2:52 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Rainy Day Blues" 3:19 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Right Kind Of Life, The" 3:21 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Rub A Dub" 2:38 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Shady Grove Blues" 2:50 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Shake The Boogie" 2:45 1946
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Shannon Street Blues" 3:21 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "She Don't Love Me That Way" 2:40 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "She Was A Dreamer" 2:37 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Shotgun Blues" 2:57 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Skinny Woman" 2:58 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Sloppy Drunk Blues" 3:14 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Something Going On Wrong" 3:08 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Sonny Boy's Cold Chills" 3:04 1946
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Sonny Boy's Jump" 2:49 (single 78) bluebird 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Southern Dream" 2:45 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Springtime Blues" 3:01 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Stop Breaking Down" 2:56 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Sugar Gal" 3:00 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Sugar Mama Blues No.2" 3:08 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Suger Mama Blues" 2:56 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Sunny Land" 3:15 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Susie-Q" 3:11 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Suzanna Blues" 2:57 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "T. B. Blues" 2:59 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Tell Me, Baby" 2:50 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Thinking My Blues Away" 2:54 1939
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Train Fare Blues" 2:48 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Until My Love Come Down" 3:10 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Up The Country Blues" 3:17 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "War Time Blues" 2:56 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "We Got To Win" 2:41 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Welfare Store Blues" 2:49 (Poor Man's Heaven-Blues And Tales Of The Great Depression comp) bluebird/rca/bmg 1940
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Western Union Man" 3:01 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "What's Gettin' Wrong With You?" 2:48 1942
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Whiskey Headed Blues" 2:54 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Willow Tree Gal" 3:11 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Win The War Blues" 2:46 1944
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Wonderfull Time" 3:02 1947
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "Worried Me Blues" 2:29 1937
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "You Can Lead Me" 3:07 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "You Give An Account" 3:11 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "You Got To Step Back" 2:56 1941
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "You're An Old Lady" 3:10 1945
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I - "You've Been Foolin' Round Town" 2:45 1938
Williamson, Sonny Boy, I---
Sonny Boy Williamson I (John Lee Curtis) #1
Sonny Boy Williamson I (John Lee Curtis) #2
Sonny Boy Williamson I (John Lee Curtis Williamson) #3
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "All My Love In Vain" chess 1955
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Born Blind"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Bring It On Home" 2:35 (single/Blues Masters/Living The Blues: Blues Legends comp) chess//checker//mca 1954 a-Rice Miller
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Bring It On Home" 2:35 (THE ESSENTIAL SONNY BOY WILLIAMSON) CLASSIC BLUES
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Cool Disposition" 2:43 Sonny Boy Williamson II a-Aleck 'Rice' Miller
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Dissatisfied"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Do It If You Wanta" (single) trumpet 1951
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Don't Misuse Me"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Don't Start Me Talkin'" r-Sons Of The Blues, James Cotton, Kenny Neal & Billy Branch, Etta James
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Don't Start Me To Talkin'" 2:33 (single/Living The Blues: Blues Masters comp) chess//checker//mca 1955 r-The New York Dolls, Jimmy Rogers, David Johansen
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Down Child" chess
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Eyesight To The Blind" (single) trumpet 1951 r-Aerosmith, Kim Wilson
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Fattening Frogs For Snakes" (single) chess 1956 r-James 'Blood' Ulmer
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "From The Bottom" (The Best Of Blues & R&B From Trumpet Records comp) collectables 2002 w/B.B. King or-
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Goat, The" (single) chess 1956
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Goin' Down Slow"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Got To Move" 2:27 1963
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Help Me" 3:07 (/Living The Blues: Blues Greats comp) checker//mca 1963 ("You've got to help me baby") r-Ten Years After, Melvin Taylor
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "I Don't Know" 2:23
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "I Got To Cut Out"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "I Got My Mojo Working" (The American Folk Blues Festival, 1962-1966 comp) reelinintheyears-hipo/exphendrix 2003 w/Muddy Waters & Willie Dixon or-
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "I'm Gettin' Tired"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "I'm Tryin To Make London My Home"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "I've Got A Right To Trust My Baby"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Keep It To Yourself" 2:48 (single/One Way Out/Living The Blues: 1955-1956 Blues Classics comp) chess//checker//mca 1956 a-Rice Miller
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Key (To Your Door), The"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Little Village" r-Joe Louis Walker
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Lonesome Cabin"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Mighty Long Time" (single) trumpet 1952
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Nine Below Zero" (single) chess r-Jelly Roll All-Stars
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Ninety Nine"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "No Way Out" r-Duke Robillard
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "One Way Out" 2:45 (One Way Out/THE ESSENTIAL SONNY BOY WILLIAMSON) CLASSIC BLUES ("I ain't walkin out that door") aka-Johnny Lee
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Pontiac Blues" 1957
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Santa Claus" 2:44
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "She Brought Life Back To The Dead" (single) trumpet 1953
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Sonny Boy's Harmonic Blues"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Sonny Boy's Christmas Blues" (single) trumpet 1951
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Steady Rollin' Man" (Blues Harp Heroes comp) fuel2000 2003
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Stop Crying" (single) trumpet 1951
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Stop Now Baby" (single) trumpet 1952
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Temperature 110"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "That's All I Want" 1961
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "That's All I Want, Baby"
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Too Close For Comfort" (single) trumpet 1953 r-Peter Wolf
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Too Old to Think" 1961
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Tryin' To Get Back On My Feet" r-Anson Funderburgh And The Rockets
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "West Memphis Blues" (single) trumpet 1951
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - "Your Funeral And My Trial" (single) chess
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - (American Roots Music box comp) palm 2001 or-
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II - (U.K. Blues) fuel2000 2001 orw-Yardbirds/Animals or-
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II---
Sonny Boy Williamson II (Alex 'Rice' Ford Miller) #1
Sonny Boy Williamson II (Rice Miller) #2
Sonny Boy Williamson II (Alex 'Rice' Ford Miller) #3
Sonny Boy Williamson II (Alex 'Rice' Ford Miller) #4
Sonny Boy Williamson II (Alex 'Rice' Ford Miller) #5
Williamson, Sonny Boy, II-->II
Willie & Ruth - "Love Me"
Willie & The Poor Boys - "Baby Please Don't Go" 1985
Willie & The Poor Boys - "These Arms Of Mine" ()
Willie & The Poor Boys - (Tear It Up Live) 1994 Bill Wyman p-Rolling Stones
Willie & The Poor Boys - (Willie And The Poor Boys) 1985 Bill Wyman
Willie And Lobo - "Egyptian Odyssey" (Wild Heart) mesa 1999
Willie And Lobo - "Havana Breeze" (Wild Heart) mesa 1999
Willie And Lobo - "Hola Lola" (Wild Heart) mesa 1999
Willie And Lobo - "Rosas Hermosas" (Wild Heart) mesa 1999
Willie And Lobo - "Spanish Nights" (Wild Heart) mesa 1999
Willie And Lobo - (Manana) Narada World 2003
Willie And The Rhythm Razors - "Ditty Bop Baby"
Willie Joe - "Get Em Got Em" wataboy 2006
Willie Joe & His Unitar - "Unitar Rock" 1956
Willie Logan Citrus Factory---
Willie Logan Citrus Factory #1
Willie Steel - (Mo' Long Island Christmas Blues comp) 2002
Willie The Kid - (The Crown Prince) aphilliates 2007
Willies, The---
The Willies #1
Willing, Foy & The Riders Of The Riders Of The Purple Sage - "Twilight on the Trail" 3:08
Willing Sinners, The - "Boy Who Came Back, The" (Vermin In Ermine) phonogram//some bizzare 1984 Marc Almond p-Soft Cell
Willing Sinners, The - "Gutter Hearts" (Vermin In Ermine) phonogram//some bizzare 1984 Marc Almond
Willing Sinners, The - "Hell Was A City" (Vermin In Ermine) phonogram//some bizzare 1984 Marc Almond
Willis - "Paper And Stone"
Willis Avenue Bridge, The - (Strange Light) David Berkley
Willis, Bernice - "Breakfast In Bed" (single) okeh 1969
Willis, Bernice - "Confidence" (Breakfast In Bed single) okeh 1969
Willis Brothers, The - "Women's Liberation"
Willis, Bruce - "Crazy Mixed-Up World" (Hollywood Goes Wild! comp) rph 2001 Bruce Willis
Willis, Bruce - "Every Time I Roll The Dice" Bruce Willis ("She's got a slow burnin fire") w/The Accelerators
Willis, Bruce - "Respect Yourself" mo 1987 Bruce Willis
Willis, Bruce - "Young Blood" (The Return of Bruno) r&t 1997
Willis, Chick - "Stoop Down Baby" ans by Delores Ealy & The Kenyaettes - 'Come Into My Bedroom'
Willis, Chuck - "Baby Has Left Me Again" (Going To The River single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "Be Good Be Gone" r-Alex Schultz
Willis, Chuck - "Betty And Dupree" atl 1958 a-King Of The Stroll
Willis, Chuck - "C.C. Rider" atl 1957 a-Sheik Of The Shake o-Ma Rainey 1925 r-Bill Hailey And His Comets
Willis, Chuck - "Caldonia" (My Story single) okeh 1952
Willis, Chuck - "Change My Mind" (single) okeh 1954
Willis, Chuck - "Charged With Cheating" (Two Spoons Of Tears single) okeh 1956
Willis, Chuck - "Come On Home" (single) okeh 1956
Willis, Chuck - "Don't Deceive Me" (single/I've Been Treated Wrong Too Long single 78) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "Give And Take" (single) okeh 1954
Willis, Chuck - "Going To The River" (single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes" 2:18 (single) atl 1958 Chuck Willis w/Reggie Obrecht Orchestra And Chorus r-Band, Jerry Lee Lewis
Willis, Chuck - "Here I Come" (Loud Mouth Lucy single) okeh 1952
Willis, Chuck - "I Can Tell" (single) okeh 1955
Willis, Chuck - "I Feel So Bad" 2:52 r-Elvis, Little Milton, Otis Rush, Foghat, Delbert McClinton
Willis, Chuck - "I Feel So Bad" 2:52 (single/Living The Blues: 1953-1954 Blues Classics comp) okeh//mca 1954 ("Feel like a ballgame on a rainy day")
Willis, Chuck - "I Rule My House" 2:49 (I Tried single/The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957 comp box) okeh//sny 1951
Willis, Chuck - "I Tried" (single) okeh 1951
Willis, Chuck - "I've Been Away Too Long" (Give And Take single) okeh 1954
Willis, Chuck - "I've Been Treated Wrong Too Long" (Don't Deceive Me single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "It Were You" (Come On Home single) okeh 1956
Willis, Chuck - "It's Too Late (She's Gone)" atl 1956 Chuck Willis r-Jerry Garcia
Willis, Chuck - "It's Too Late Baby" (Let's Jump Tonight single) okeh 1951
Willis, Chuck - "Juanita" (single 78) atl
Willis, Chuck - "Kansas City Woman"
Willis, Chuck - "King Of The Stroll, The" 1950's
Willis, Chuck - "Lawdy Miss Mary" (single) okeh 1955
Willis, Chuck - "Let's Jump Tonight" 2:20 (single/The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957 comp box) okeh//sny 1951
Willis, Chuck - "Loud Mouth Lucy" (single) okeh 1952
Willis, Chuck - "Love-Struck" (Lawdy Miss Mary single) okeh 1955
Willis, Chuck - "Make Up Your Mind" 3:07 (The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957 comp box) okeh//sny 1993 w/Orchestra or-
Willis, Chuck - "My Baby's Coming Home" (single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "My Heart's Been Broke Again" (Change My Mind single) okeh 1954
Willis, Chuck - "My Story" 3:13 (single/The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957 comp box) okeh//sny 1952 w/The Royals
Willis, Chuck - "Need One More Chance" (I Feel So Bad single) okeh 1954
Willis, Chuck - "One More Break" (I Can Tell single) okeh 1955
Willis, Chuck - "Ring-Ding-Doo" 2:32 (Search My Heart single/The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957 comp box) okeh//sny 1955 w/Orchestra
Willis, Chuck - "Salty Tears" (single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "Search My Heart" (single) okeh 1955
Willis, Chuck - "Sheik Of The Blues, The" 1950's
Willis, Chuck - "Two Spoons Of Tears" (single) okeh 1956
Willis, Chuck - "What Am I Living For?" 1958 o-Wilbert Harrison r-The Band, Van Morrison
Willis, Chuck - "What's Your Name" (You're Still My Baby single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "Whatcha' Gonna Do" (Juanita single 78) atl
Willis, Chuck - "When My Day Is Over" (My Baby's Coming Home single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "Wrong Lake To Catch A Fish" (Salty Tears single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - "You Broke My Heart" 2:37 (The Okeh Rhythm & Blues Story 1949-1957 comp box) okeh//sny 1993 w/Orchestra or-
Willis, Chuck - "You're Still My Baby" (single) okeh 1953
Willis, Chuck - (Chuck Willis Wails! The Complete Okeh Recordings, '51-56) sundazed 2003 Chuck Willis or-
Willis, Don - "Boppin' High School Baby" 1958
Willis, Don - "T.D.'s Boogie Woogie"
Willis, Hal - "My Pink Cadillac" 1956
Willis, Jesse/Mike Midwestern - (From Triumph To Tragedy) evilowl 2003
Willis, Jesse/Mike Midwestern---
Jesse Willis/Mike Midwestern #1
Willis, Jimmy - "I Got A Right"
Willis, Kelly - "Cradle Of Love" 4:57 (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis
Willis, Kelly - "Don't Come The Cowboy With Me Sonny Jim!" (Easy) ryk 2002 Kelly Willis o-Kirsty MacColl
Willis, Kelly - "Fading Fast" (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis
Willis, Kelly - "Find Another Fool" (Easy) ryk 2002 Kelly Willis o-Marcia Ball
Willis, Kelly - "Get Real" (One More Time/The MCA Recordings) mca 2000 or-
Willis, Kelly - "Getting To Me" (Easy) ryk 2002 Kelly Willis w/Chris Thile (Nickel Creek)
Willis, Kelly - "Heaven Bound" 3:20 (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis o-Damon Bramblett
Willis, Kelly - "Hidden Things" (One More Time/The MCA Recordings) mca 2000 or-
Willis, Kelly - "Hole In My Heart" (Well Travelled Love) mca 1990 o-Steve Earle
Willis, Kelly - "I Don't Want To Love You (But I Do)" (One More Time/The MCA Recordings) mca 2000 or-
Willis, Kelly - "Little Honey" (One More Time/The MCA Recordings) mca 2000 or-
Willis, Kelly - "More That I'm Around You, The" ryk
Willis, Kelly - "Not Afraid Of The Dark" 4:36 (Bang Bang/CMJ: Certain Damage Volume 34 comp) mca//cmj 1991 Kelly Willis
Willis, Kelly - "Not Forgotten You" 3:36 (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis ("I have not")
Willis, Kelly - "Not What I Had In Mind" (Easy) ryk 2002 Kelly Willis w/Alison Krauss
Willis, Kelly - "Pack Up Your Sorrows" (Dressed In Black: A Tribute To Johnny Cash comp) dualtone 2002 Kelly Willis w/Bruce Robison o-Johnny Cash
Willis, Kelly - "River Of Love" 2:50 (Well Traveled Love/CMJ: Certain Damage Volume 27 comp) mca//cmj 1990 Kelly Willis w/Radio Ranch
Willis, Kelly - "Sincerely (Too Late To Turn Back Now)" (Bang Bang) mca 1991 Kelly Willis wr-Steve Earle & Robert Earl Keen o-Steve Earle
Willis, Kelly - "Take Me Down" 3:46 (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis ("I will let you")
Willis, Kelly - "Talk Like That" (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis
Willis, Kelly - "Teddy Boys" (Translated From Love) 2007 Kelly Willis
Willis, Kelly - "That's How I Got To Memphis" (Tom T. Hall Tribute comp) delmore 1998 o-Tom T. Hall
Willis, Kelly - "They're Blind" 4:37 (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis o-Paul Westerberg
Willis, Kelly - "Time Has Told Me" 4:37 (What I Deserve) ryk 1999 Kelly Willis o-Nick Drake
Willis, Kelly - "Too Much To Lose" (Translated From Love) 2007 Kelly Willis
Willis, Kelly - "What Did You Think" (Easy) ryk 2002 Kelly Willis o-Bruce Robison 1999
Willis, Kelly - "When My Baby's Beside Me" (Big Star Small World comp) koch 2006
Willis, Kelly - "You Can't Take It With You" (Easy) ryk 2002 Kelly Willis w/Vince Gill & Dan Tyminski w/Chris Thile (Nickel Creek) o-Paul Kelly
Willis, Kelly---
Kelly Willis #1

Kelly Willis #2
Willis, Mark - "Almost Doesn't Count"
Willis, Mark - "I Do Cherish You"
Willis, Mark - "Wish You Were Here"
Willis, Matt - "Crash" (single/Mr. Bean's Holiday film trk) 2007 o-The Primitives wr-Paul Court, Stephen Dullaghan, Tracy Spencer
Willis, Oscar - "Flatfoot Sam"
Willis Project, The - p-Babes In Toyland, Son Volt, Soul Asylum
Willis, Rod - "Somebody's Been Rocking My Baby" 1958
Willis, Rollie - "Whenever I Get Lonely"
Willis, Wesley - "Birdman Kicked My Ass" (Greatest Hits, Vol. 2) alternative tent 2000 Wesley Willis
Willis, Wesley - "Courtney Love" 2:59 1996
Willis, Wesley - "Cut The Mullet" (Greatest Hits, Vol. 2) alternative tent 2000 Wesley Willis
Willis, Wesley - "Fuck Saddam Husein's Ass" 1991?
Willis, Wesley - "I Whipped Batman's Ass" (Rush Hour) alt tent 2000
Willis, Wesley - "Jed Davis" (Everybody Wants To Be Like Jed comp) j-b 2000
Willis, Wesley - "Rock N Roll McDonald's" (Greatest Hits, Vol. 1) alttent 1995
Willis, Wesley - "Shit And Fuck" (Rush Hour) alt tent 2000
Willis, Wesley - "STP Conked Out My Engine" (Rush Hour) alt tent 2000
Willis, Wesley - (Rush Hour) alt tent 2000
Willis, Wesley - (Shake Your Piggy Bank) coldfront 2000
Willis, Wesley - (The Daddy of Rock & Roll dvd) Music Video Distributors/Daniel Bitton 2003
Willis, Wesley---
Wesley Willis #1
WillKills, The - "Pay For Your Sins" 3:08 (Old Shoe Records Presents Welcome To The Family: Vol. III comp) oldshoe 2009 ("Do everything you can"/"Say the word now")
WillKills, The---
The WillKills #1
Willmon, Trent - "Beer Man" (Trent Willmon) col 2004 Trent Willmon
Willmon, Trent - "Good One Comin' On" (A Little More Livin') col 2006
Willmon, Trent - "Home Sweet Holiday Inn" (Trent Willmon) col 2004 Trent Willmon
Willmon, Trent - "Love Don't Have To Be So Hard" (A Little More Livin') col 2006
Willmon, Trent - "On Again Tonight & So Am I" (A Little More Livin') col 2006
Willmon, Trent - "Ropin' Pen" (A Little More Livin') col 2006
Willner, Hal - "Mister (Mr.) Peanut Chronicles, The" (Bird Up: The Charlie Parker Remix Project comp) svyjzz 2003 w/Kronos Qt., Dr. John, Mocean Worker o-Charlie Parker-'Salt Peanuts' Willner, Hal - p-Whoops I'm An Indian
Willner, Hal's W.I.A.I. - "All The Shadows Of Nuff" (Bird Up: The Charlie Parker Remix Project comp) savoyjazz 2003 w/Mocean Worker & Garth Hudson o-Charlie Parker

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