"Let The Music Do The Talking!"
Young Parisians - "Jump The Next Train"
Young, Paul - "Bite The Hand That Feeds"4:28(ThSecretOfAssciatn)c85
Young, Paul - "Both Sides Now" (Switch film trk) unr 1991 w/Clannad o-Joni Mitchell
Young, Paul - "Certain Passion, A" 4:12 (Between Two Fires)co 86
Young, Paul - "Come Back And Stay" 3:34 (No Parlez) co/sny co 83
Young, Paul - "Everytime You Go Away" (TSOA) col 1985 Paul Young o-Hall & Oates 1980
r-Curtis Salgado
Young, Paul - "I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down" 5:06 (The Secret Of Ass.) col 1984 Paul
Young o-GP
Young, Paul - "Love Of The Common People" (No Parlez) co 83
Young, Paul - "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (No Parlez) co 83 o-Joy Division
Young, Paul - "Oh Girl"
Young, Paul - "Some People" (Between Two Fires)co 86
Young, Paul - "That'sWhtChrstmMeansToMe"(AVrySpclX-ms/gr)oWonder
Young, Paul - "War Games" (Between Two Fires)
Young, Paul - "What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted" Columbia o-Jimmy Ruffin
Young, Paul - "What Christmas Means To Me" 2:52 (A Very Special Christmas 2 comp) a&m
1992 Paul Young
Young, Paul - "Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home)" (No Parlez) col 1983
Young, Paul - "Wonderland" (Between Two Fires) col 1986
Young, Paul---
Paul Young
Young, Pegi - "Fake" (Pegi Young) vapor/wbr 2007 Pegi Young w/Neil Young
Young, Pegi - "Hold On" (Pegi Young)
Young People - "Dutch Oven" (War Prayers) dimmak 2003 Katie Eastburn
Young People - "Ne're Do Well" (War Prayers) dimmak 2003 Katie Eastburn
Young People - (Young People) 5ruechristine 2002
Young People ---
Young People
Young People's Philharmonic Of The Lehigh Valley---
Young People's Philharmonic of the Lehigh Valley
Young, Perl - "Dancefloor Crisis" (Wayne G - 'Free Volume 8 - One Night In Heaven' comp)
central station
Young Pioneers, The---
The Young Pioneers
Young Punch - "Feel Your Sorrow, Tell Your Happiness" 2:43 (Mailorder Is Still Fun!! comp)
asian man 1999
Young Punx - "You've Got To..." (Your Music Is Killing Me) ultra 2008
Young Punx---
Young Punx #1
Young Rascals, The - "Girl Like You, A" 1967
Young Rascals, The - "Good Lovin'" (The Young Rascals) 1966 Felix Cavaliere a-Rascals
o-Olympics r-The Who SEE THE RASCALS
Young Rascals, The - "Groovin'" 1967
Young Rascals, The - "Heaven" ()
Young Rascals, The - "How Can I Be Sure" 1967
Young Rascals, The - "I've Been Lonely Too Long" (Mad About You: The Final Frontier tv trk)
atl 1967
Young Rascals, The - "It's Wonderful" 1967
Young Rascals---
Young Rascals
Young Rebel Goombas - "Summer Whine"
Young Rebel Goombas - (Young Rebel Goombas) 2008 Richie Saccente & Cosmo
Young Rebel Goombas---
Young Rebel Goombas
Young Rebel
Goombas #2
Young Rebel Set - "Lion's Mouth"
Young Rebels - "Bring The Beat Back" 5:53 (New York Dance CD Volume 2 comp) webster
hall 2000
Young, Red - (The Organizer) Blues Leaf 2003
Young Republic - (Modern Plays) Heavy Other
Young Republicans, The---
Young Republicans #1
Young Rome - "After Party" ("Hope that you're feeling naughty") w/Omarion
Young Rome - (Food for Thought) Universal 2004
Young, Rusty - "Take It To The Limit" ()
Young, Shana - "Eight Year Old" uns 1999 ("You want me to do what you want")
Young, Shana - "Kill Me"
Young, Shaun - "Fire Of Love, The" 2005
Young, Shaun - "Wiggle Walk" 2005
Young Socrates---
Young Socrates
Young Stars, The - "Shattered Dreams"
Young Statues - "Bumble Bee" (Young Statues) runforcover 2011 Carmen Cirignano
Young Statues - "Eraser" 3:43 (Age Isn't Ours 12" ep/Run For Cover Records 2013 Summer
Sampler comp) runforcover 2013 ("I need eraser now")
Young Statues - "My Only Friend" (Age Isn't Ours ep) runforcover 2013 Carmen
Young Statues - "Pretty Girls Make Raves" (Run For Cover Records Summer Sampler 2012
comp) runforcover 2012 ("You would think that I would stop to be fair")
Young Statues - "So You Wait" (Age Isn't Ours ep) runforcover 2013 Carmen Cirignano
Young Statues - "Spacism" (Young Statues) runforcover 2011 Carmen Cirignano
Young Statues---
Young Statues
Young Statues
Young Steele Matula Trio - "Discharge, Distribute, Dismiss" (Advanced Calculus comp) 2003
Young Steele Matula Trio---
Young Steele Matula
Trio #1
Young, Steve - "Seven Bridges Road" r-Dolly Parton
Young The Giant - "Cough Syrup" 2011 ("Losin my mind losin my mind losin control")
Young The Giant - "I Got" (Young The Giant) roadrunner 2011
Young The Giant - "My Body" (Young The Giant/MTV's Teen Wolf tv film trk) roadrunner
2011 ("Cause I want more")
Young The Giant - "Stings" ("I will show you")
Young The Giant - "Twelve (12) Fingers" (Young The Giant) roadrunner 2011
Young The Giant---
Young The Giant
Young Tradition, The - (The Young Tradition, Vol. 2) vngrd
Young Tradition, The - (The Young Tradition) vngrd
Young Turks - "Northwest Darkness" (Where I Lie) animalstyle 2013 Matt Koenig p-Broadway
Young Turks---
Young Turks
Young Turks
Young Veins, The - "Cape Town" (Take A Vacation!) onehaven 2010 Ryan Ross
Young Veins, The - "Change" (Take A Vacation!) onehaven 2010 Ryan Ross ("Some people
never change"/"Change change change") p-Panic At The Disco
Young Veins, The - "Dangerous Blues" (Take A Vacation!) onehaven 2010 Ryan Ross
Young Veins, The - "Take A Vacation" (Take A Vacation!) onehaven 2010 Ryan Ross p-Panic
At The Disco
Young Veins, The---
The Young Veins
Young, Vicky - "Riot In Cell Block Number Nine" 1954
Young, Warren Li - "Cocaine Ska" (Underground Screams comp) asian man 2003
Young Werewolves, The - "Curse Of The Cocaine Mummies"
Young Werewolves, The---EMAIL
Young Werewolves, The---
The Young
Werewolves #1
Young Widows - "Lean On The Ghost" (In And Out Of Youth And Lightness) tempres 2011
Evan Patteron
Young Widows - (Old Wounds) tempres 2009 Evan Patterson
Young Widows---
Young Widows
Young, Will - "Let It Go"
Young, Will---
Will Young #1
Young, William - (From Now On import)
Young, William Jackson---
Young, William
Jackson #1
Young Wolf/Mamie Ree/Gus Jenkins Band - "Caught" (The Roots Of Hip-Hop: From Church To
Gangsta comp) harte 2008 or-
Young Zee - "That's My Nigga Fo Real" (8 Mile trk) shady/isc 2002 Young Zee
Young, Zora - "Football Widow"
Young, Zora - "Queen Bee"
Young, Zora - (Learned My Lesson) delmark 2000
Young-Holt Trio, The - "Wack Wack" 1964
Young-Holt Unlimited - "Soulful Strut" (The Parent Trap trk) brnswk//hllywd 1968 instrumental
bjb-Swing Out Sister bjb-Barbara Acklin p-Ramsey Lewis Trio
Young-Holt Unlimited - "Wah Wah Man" (What It Is! Funky Soul And Rare Grooves
[1967-1977] comp: Disc 3) rhn 2006 or-
Youngblood Brass Band - "Nuclear Summer" (Is That A Riot?) layeredmusic 2006 D.H.
Youngblood Brass Band---
Youngblood Brass Band
Youngblood, Lonnie - (In The Garden Vol. I & II) 2004
Youngblood, Lonnie---
Youngblood #1
Youngblood, Mary - "And We Will Fly" (Beneath The Raven Moon) silverware 2002
Youngblood, Mary - "Caress The Smile" (Beneath The Raven Moon) silverware 2002
Youngbloods, The - "C.C. Rider" 2:37 (Get Together) rca 1969 a-'See See Rider' SEE
Youngbloods, The - "Darkness, Darkness" (Best Of The Youngbloods) rca 1970 Jesse Colin
Young ("Be my pillow"/"Let me sleep")
Youngbloods, The - "Darkness, Darkness" (Best Of The Youngbloods) rca 1970 Jesse Colin
Young r-Richard Shindell, Christy McWilson, Robert Plant, Solas, Cowboy Junkies
Youngbloods, The - "Euphoria" 2:15 (Earth Music)rcaJerryCorbitt
Youngbloods, The - "Fool Me" 2:57 (Earth Music)rca lead-Banana
Youngbloods, The - "Get Together" 1967 ("Try and love one another right now"/"Come on
people now") r-Lizz Wright, Wilson Phillips, Paul Brady, Jefferson Airplane, We Five
Youngbloods, The - "Get Together" 4:39 (Grizzly Bear/Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas trk) rca
1966 JCYoung o-Kingston Trio-'Let's Get Together' 1964 wr-Chet Powers (a-Dino
Youngbloods, The - "Grizzly Bear" 2:20 (Get Together) rca 1966
Youngbloods, The - "Hey Babe" 2:37 (Zig Zag Festival) mrc 1969
Youngbloods, The - "I'm A Hog For You" (Good & Dusty) wr-Lieber & Stoller
Youngbloods, The - "It's A Lovely Day" (Looney Tunes comp) wbr/rep
Youngbloods, The - "Let's Get Together" 4:36 (Forrest Gump trk) epc 94?
Youngbloods, The - "Quicksand"
Youngbloods, The - "Sham"
Youngbloods, The - "Six Days On The Road" (Beautiful! Live In San Francisco 1971) sundazed
2005 live o-Dave Dudley
Youngbloods, The - "Sometimes" 2:45 (Zig Zag Festival) mrc 1969
Youngbloods, The - "Stagger Lee" (Good & Dusty)
Youngbloods, The - "Statesboro Blues" 2:18
Youngbloods, The - "Sugar Babe" 2:52 (Earth Music)rcaJesseClnYng
Youngbloods, The - "Sunlight" (Elephant Mountain) Jesse Colin Young ("That's the way she
feels about you")
Youngbloods, The - "Willie And The Hand Jive" 3:09 (Good And Dusty) racc/wbr 1971
Youngbloods, The - "Wine Song, The" 2:42 (Earth Music)rcaJssClnYng
Youngbloods, The - "You Can't Catch Me" (Beautiful! Live In San Francisco 1971) sundazed
2005 live o-Chuck Berry
Youngbloods, The - (Elephant Mountain) 1969
Youngbloods, The - (Good And Dusty) sundazed 2003 or-1970's o-
Youngbloods, The - (High On A Ridge Top) sundazed 2003 or-1970's
Youngbloods, The - (Ride The Wind) sundazed 2003 or-1970's
Youngbloods, The - (Rock Festival) sundazed 2003 or-1970's
Youngbloods, The---
Youngbloods #1
Youngbloods #2
Youngbloodz - "Chop Chop" (Take The Lead film trk) 2006
Youngbloodz - "Imma Shine" (Step Up film trk) 2006
YoungBloodZ - "Cadillac Pimpin'" (Drankin' Patnaz) laface/ars 2003
YoungBloodZ - "Chop Chop" (Ev'rybody Know Me) LaFace/ZLG 2006
YoungBloodZ - "Damn!" (Drankin' Patnaz) laface/ars 2003 ("If you don't give a damn"/"Don't
throw it up"/"We don't give a fuck") w/Lil' Jon
YoungBloodZ - "Datz Me" (Ev'rybody Know Me) LaFace/ZLG 2006 w/Young Buck
YoungBloodZ - "Eighty Five (85)/Billy Dee Interlude"
YoungBloodZ - "Eighty Five (85)" (Against Da Grain) ghet-o-vision 1999 w/Big Boi
YoungBloodZ - "Eighty-Seven (87) Fleetwood"
YoungBloodZ - "I Smoke, I Drank" 2004
YoungBloodZ - "Mudd Pit" (Drankin' Patnaz) laface/ars 2003
YoungBloodZ - "Presidential" (Ev'rybody Know Me) LaFace/ZLG 2006
YoungBloodZ - "Shake 'Em Off" (Against Da Grain) ghet-o-vision 1999
YoungBloodZ - "U-Way" (Against Da Grain) ghet-o-vision 1999
YoungBloodZ - "What Time Biz (If I)" (Ev'rybody Know Me) LaFace/ZLG 2006 w/Mannie
YoungBloodZ - "Whatchu Lookin' At" (Drankin' Patnaz) laface/ars 2003
Younger Dayz - "Christmas In New York" (A Rhythm & Blues Christmas Vol 4 comp) col
Younger Generation - "We Rap More Mellow" (single) Brass 1979
Younger, Rob - Divine Rites---
Younger, Rob -
Divine Rites #1
Youngman, Henny - "Bonus Cut...Laff Trak: The Best of the Worst Of... (excerpt)" (The Dr.
Demento Collection: The Early '70s comp)
Youngones - "Diamonds And Pearls" a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Gloria" (single) relic 1964 a-Young Ones
Youngones - "I Do" (Blasters - 'Day Train' single) 1964
Youngones - "I Only Want You" (single/Times Square Records Vol. 2 comp) 1964 a-Young
Youngones - "I'm In The Mood For Love" a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Just Two Kinds Of People" (Gloria single) relic 1964 a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Marie" (single) yussels a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Maryann" (The Best Of Acapella, Vol 2 comp) relic a-Young Ones
Youngones - "No No Don't Cry" a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Over The Rainbow" (I Only Want You single) 1964 a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Shining Star" (The Best Of Acapella, Vol 2 comp) relic a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Sweeter Than (This Is My Love)" (El Sierros - 'Picture Of Love' single/The Best
Of Acapella comp) relic 1964 a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Those Precious Love Letters" a-Young Ones
Youngones - "Three Coins In The Fountain" a-Young Ones
Youngones - "To Make A Long Story Short" a-Young Ones
Youngs, Jenny Owen - "Coyote" (Batten The Hatches) nettwerk 2007 Jenny Owen Youngs
Youngs, Jenny Owen - "Fuck Was I" (Batten The Hatches/Weeds: Music from the Original
Series, Volume 2 trk) nettwerk//lionsgate 2006 Jenny Owen Youngs
Youngs, Jenny Owen - "Porchrail" (Batten The Hatches) nettwerk 2007 Jenny Owen
Youngs, Jenny Owen - (Transmitter Failure) nettwerk 2009
Youngs, Richard - (Airs Of The Ear) Jagjaguwar 2003
Youngs, Richard - (Making Paper) jagjaguwar//secretly canadian 2001
Youngs, Richard - (May) Jagjaguwar 2002
Youngs, Richard - (River Through Howling) Jagjaguwar 2004
Youngs, Richard---
Richard Youngs
Youngster #1
Youngsters, The - "Christmas In Jail" (single) 1956
Youngsters, The - "Dreamy Eyes" (single) 1956
Youngsters, The - "I'll Never Leave You Again" 1962
Youngsters, The - "I'm Sorry Now" (single) 1956
Youngsters, The - "Shattered Dreams" (single) 1956
Youngsters, The - "You Told Another Lie"
Youngstown - "Anything And Everything" (Summer Catch trk) hwd 2001
Youngstown - "Grow Old With Me" (Down For The Get Down) hwd 2001 o-John Lennon
Youngstown - "I'll Be Your Everything" (Let's Roll/Inspector Gadget trk) hwd 2000
Youngstown - "Pedal To The Street" (Let's Roll) hwd 2000
Youngstown - "Whenever You Need Me" ("I'll be around"/"All you do is just call me)
Youngtones - "By The Candleglow" (Patricia single/The Best Of X-Tra Records comp) Johnny
Youngtones - "Can I Come Over" (single/The Best Of X-Tra Records comp) 1959 Johnny
Youngtones - "Come On Baby" (Dynamite Group Sounds Volume 16 comp) Johnny Marsi
Youngtones - "Cupid Of Love" (Times Square Records Vol. 2 comp)
Youngtones - "Get Together Again" (The Best Of X-Tra Records comp) Johnny Marsi
Youngtones - "I Do" (The Best Of X-Tra Records comp) 1964
Youngtones - "It's Over Now" (single/The Best Of X-Tra Records comp) 1957 Johnny
Youngtones - "O' Tell Me" (Brunswick Doo Wop - Vol 1 comp)
Youngtones - "Over The Rainbow" rainbow
Youngtones - "Patricia" (single/Times Square Records: The Golden Era Of Doo Wops - Part 2
comp) relic 1958 Johnny Marsi
Youngtones - "You I Adore" jukebox
Youngtones, The - "Can I Come Over" 1959
Youngtones, The---EMAIL
Youngward, Sherri - (Six Inches of Sky) BEC/t&n 2002
Your 33 Black Angels - (Lonely Street) uns 2007
Your 33 Black Angels---
Your 33 Black Angels
Your Arsenal - "Wouldn't Trade You For Gold" (Old Shoe Records Presents: Welcome To The
Family: Volume IV comp) oldshoe 2010 ("I wouldn't trade you for anything")
Your Arsenal---
Your Arsenal
Your Best Friend - (Your Best Friend) uns 2009 note-all four members sing including John
Your Best Friend---
Your Best
Friend #1
Your Black Star - Jeremy Johnson
Your Black Star---
Your Black Star
Your Blood My Tear---
Your Blood My Tear
Your Chance To Die - (Suscitatio Somnus) redcord 2011
Your Day Strong - "Crisis In Opportunity" 3:40 (Hope Is A Common Misconception/Asbestos
2003 Sampler comp) righteye//asbestos 2003
Your Day Strong - "Nihilphobia" 3:22 (Right Eye Records 2002 Sampler comp) right eye 2002
Alex ("One more night") p-Friday Night
Your Day Strong---EMAIL
Your Day Strong---
Your Day Strong
Your Day Strong
Your Day Strong
Your Demise - "Burnt Tongues" (Atticus V Presented By Atticus Black: Disc 2 comp) atticus
Your Demise - (The Kids We Used To Be) rise 2010 Ed McRae
Your Demise---
Your Demise
Your Demise #2
Your Enemies Friends - "Back Of A Taxi" (You Are Being Video Taped) buddyhead 2003
Your Enemies Friends - "Business French Kiss" (You Are Being Videotaped/Buddyhead Label
Suicide Sampler comp) buddyhead 2003
Your Enemies Friends - "One Condition, The" (Buddyhead Label Suicide Sampler comp)
buddyhead 2004
Your Enemies Friends - (The Wiretap E.P.) buddyhead 2002
Your Enemies Friends---
Your Enemies Friends
Your Heart Breaks - "Duffren Hotel, The"
Your Highness Electric - "Carnal Knowledge" (The Grand Hooded Phantom) longhairilluminati
Your Highness Electric---
Your Highness
Electric #1
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